Mastering your many interests

JANU: For this evening’s journey, let us not be confused by the many scenarios of life but cast our attention upon those that make sense for our current endeavors. There can be a tendency to consider so many alternatives to the path to be taken that decisions are hard to make or commit to. Attempting to explore all possibilities on any subject is a dance of futility, for you will never be aware of all the possibilities in any direction in life. Pick one that rings true, makes sense, and is encouraged by your sensitivity to it, always open to the flow that changes.

Avoid the temptation to cast doubt and gloom on a desire by way of anticipation of not having the time to complete it. If that is your focus, that will be your experience. You are the co-creator of your life, so create it as if it were already yours. Even the most committed being, to a particular endeavor to master and complete, does so by way of many talents and interests and experiences that can be drawn upon. There is a synergism to all of life and all of its possibilities. Keep your heart, and your mind, your imagination, and your confidence open to a full life. The number of days matters not. The moment matters.

Enjoy life and many interests. There is no requirement or tradition that you must have only one interest in life to master it. Dip your toe, so to speak, many times into the flow of life. How else will you know the wisdom of any choice? You are incarnate to experience and to serve. What we do with that remains to be seen. Namaste.

May 28, 2015 B                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross