The power and magic of gratitude

JANU: Being enamored of living is a joyous path. Many concerned with survival, power struggles, manipulation, greed miss the opportunity to be enamored of the Truth of Life. Being grateful for your next breath becomes clear when it is not there. A sunrise that’s not there. Love from another that’s not there. The warmth of the sun, the refreshing breeze, the basic comforts, peace of mind, the joy of discovery, the miracle of being, when not there bring gratitude for these things. Why be grateful for that which appears regularly, naturally, every day? Need there be a lack in your life to appreciate the abundance of its presence? Even when discarnate, the miracles of life abound. A moment of gratitude reveals more and more reasons to be grateful.

The process of life itself unfolding holds its own beauty. This process can be observed and understood in everything. The physical body you have borrowed for a time has its own beauty of life process. Expect miracles, but take nothing for granted. And the gratitude awakens you to so much more.

You seek peace of mind, balance, and well-being. The gratitude we speak of brings this. The constant searching for more and more is from a lack of gratitude for what is. When filled with gratitude, the emptiness disappears and the greater miracles of life continue. So continue a grateful relationship with life.

This is a powerful consciousness. It connects you with all of life and brings a bounty not designed by you but created by you through gratitude. “What are you grateful for today?” is the question. Namaste.

May 28, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross