Gratitude and forgiveness are partners

JANU: Gratitude, the chosen focus for this journey, is one that announces to Life constructive positive feedback to its manifestation of potential, establishing a co-creative relationship with its progeny. Peaceful harmonious journeying through the challenges of being brings enormous response from life to continue to understand, be that expression.

Gratitude can dominate, permeate consciousness in so many forms of expression. Gratitude is like a fountain, bringing freshness, renewal, and balance to the patterns of life. Gratitude and forgiveness are partners in evolution, so choose to evolve each day. Namaste.
Nov. 6, 2022                                                                    Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Benefiting from a blessing is a life pattern worthy of gratitude. The experience brings a joy to be shared with others. It is natural to wish blessings for others, for the human journey is one that all are included in, incarnated on one world. Blessings flow constantly as Life encourages, lovingly, the evolution and happiness of all creatures. A simple desire to lift many. Namaste.
Dec. 8, 2021 B                                                                       Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


More on Miracles

JANU:   Miracles. What are they? Throughout time there have been phenomenon categorized as such. Some have been called nothing more than “speeded up” normal events. Much more to it than that. A miracle can be a thought of genius, a moment of forgiveness, freedom from enslavement—self-imposed or from another. Every heartbeat is a miracle; miss one, and see if you don’t think so.

What makes a miracle possible is the alignment of, the engagement of creative elements. “And what are these?” you ask. They are thought without doubt. They are the focus of consciousness unrestricted. Unlimited thought. They are the creative forces of life organized and manifested. They are life in motion. They are not limited to physical life.

Miracles occur whether perceived or not. If one could perceive all of life, one would understand that all of life is a miracle. The joy, the wonder, the amazement of witnessing a miracle applies to every moment of life. Living in gratitude and appreciation of the moment brings peace and an openness to be conscious of more of life, whether yours or another’s, of what has been and what will be. Find peace in this and freedom from frustration, anxiety, any fear.

Allow your sense of identity to be that free. If life is always in motion, does that not include your identity as well? Your thoughts, your perceptions, your intimacy with everything. Namaste.
Oct. 20, 2020                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


A Thanksgiving message

JANU:   Seasonally speaking, the requests for enlightenment exist more often at these times for there are many who wish enlightenment for humanity, thinking that a time of thanksgiving is a reminder of what to be thankful for.

Life promises abundance, but only when open to it. And this is what gratitude is for, energetically. Gratitude attracts abundance, for life responds to opportunities to enrich itself. Life invests in all of its creations, and prospers when these creations flourish. Co-create and express life’s potential. So find peace in the promise of life that it will continue, evolve, and cherish its creations. Namaste.
Nov. 28, 2019                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The joy of living

JANU: I am beginning this evening’s service by spreading the joy of living throughout your world.

Is it possible, then, to find joy in living moment by moment? It is, if you love life and all it can be. The joy of living is in the freedom of each breath, a moment of peace, the movement of the body, the freedom of a thought, the beginning of a day, the observing of a child, the tears of happiness in another, an infant in the arms of its mother trusting completely her protection and care, the beauty at the moment of sunrise or sunset, the rain in your face, the warm summer breeze, the serenity of a grazing cow, an autumn leaf’s journey to the ground, the magic of music. Life is filled with moments of joy, experiencing the love life has for you. Allow it in and feel the joy of gratitude.

So, you see, the joy of living isn’t necessarily grand events, but every component, every part of life’s symphony. Service this evening is being one with the joy of living and donating that to everyone. Namaste.
Dec. 11, 2012 B                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.



JANU:    Incarnate life is an opportunity to proceed along the lines of co-creation. Choices seem arbitrary until more awakening occurs and life can be understood in a fuller way as an opportunity to co-create. Cooperatively speaking, being conscious of your True Nature helps you be conscious of all that you are, including the incarnate experience. Cooperating with your own flow of life, consciously, is a more coordinated endeavor than being unconscious of it.

Now, gratitude for opportunity can be on a global basis, but moment by moment, day by day, it seems more real and immediate. Gratitude is a key to rejuvenation, clarity and the blessings of life. Gratitude is the whisper of hope to the rest of your being, which responds lovingly. Gratitude unites the elements of the moment, coordinates them, unifies them. It inspires others to see their lives in new ways, no longer limited to looking to the future for a better life, but finding the path to it in the moment.

Focusing on lack, disappointment, frustration, deprivation does not marshal that needed for opportunities to be understood, seen, and engaged. Gratitude is a joy-filled experience. All that you are benefits from this. Gratitude radiates and touches others. Namaste.
June 13, 2017 B                                  Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 25 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Owning memories

JANU: We exploring the memories that occur to you, and, for this exploration, those that you would change. But change them not, our brother. They are your journey through life, pearls of experience containing wisdom and understanding. Be grateful to have had them, for they speak of the human condition and the life that ensues from the evolution of consciousness. Be grateful and move on, knowing that there is no right or wrong to these, good or bad. They are experience and, in their way, reveal your future. They inspire new vision, commitment, purpose, different steps on your path of exploring life. Be aware of the fruits of these moments. You are divine being, spirit being.

Would you have a lifetime with nothing to learn from? Nothing to reveal choices? Own your memories. They enrich your life, your consciousness, no matter the memory. Through these you can love others as they are, with compassion, patience. Love yourself the same way. All of these, whether violent or not, enrich you. Do not reject them, or put your stamp of approved or disapproved on them. You have grown greatly from them. This is true for everyone, our brother.

Find peace in your integrity, no matter what. Bring joy where you may, forgiveness where you may, understanding where you may. Reflect what you’ve learned for others to see themselves in the mirror of life. And life is a mirror to see truly what is. Everything is all right in the presence of your honesty and truthfulness and love. Namaste, our brother.

Jan. 18, 2016                                                    Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross



JANU: ‘Tis the season of gratitude. Gratitude is like a magic wand. It blesses everything it touches, brings light and life to loneliness, indifference. It rejuvenates. What better thing to do on Christmas!

Being grateful for your own life, for each day, enriches that life. Being grateful magnifies the gift of another and enriches it. There is cause for gratitude always, not just because it’s a good thing to do but because you want to and lifts another. It is part of your nature. Namaste.

Dec.23, 2015 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


The pursuit of happiness

JANU:    Elemental though it may seem, the pursuit of happiness is a powerful journey and it belongs to everyone. The pursuit and realization of happiness supports everything included in your life.

You ask, “What is happiness, then, that is such a powerful element of living?” It contains exuberance, sense of freedom, a love for all possibilities that enrich your life. It is the elementals of your existence, the principles at peace with each other, full of life, confident and generous to others. Happiness naturally is open to sharing for benefit and enjoys the happiness of others, especially their release from the entanglements of their own choosing.

You ask, ”How does one pursue happiness, then?” It is a transition by choice from a gloomy, trouble-filled life to the peace of true freedom. Freedom from restrictions, rules and regulations imposed by society, by those who have yet to achieve the freedom we speak of, a society where people do not trust each other, full of suspicion and fear. When you choose to walk the life, the inner life, true freedom is found.

A happy person has a rich humor, patience, tolerance, and refuses to be entangled by the complexities of life or owned by them. They are not ignorant of these things. They appreciate very well what they lead to. But they choose to cope with life and its complexities with a light heart, a clear mind, and a confidence in a bright future. They easily see solutions where others do not. Happy people enjoy good health, for in a very real way, every element of their being enjoys this happiness as well.

Choose to be a happy person and others will be drawn to this, for they long for it as well. Help them understand who they are and what they are capable of. It is far easier and more natural to create a life of lightness than one of darkness, which must be maintained at every turn and is rich with self-destructive elements. A life of happiness does not need constant repair. It is in harmony with the flow of life and Life itself.

Choose to see viable, healthy solutions to challenges, to opportunities, to relationships, and to your understanding of that which is unknown to you, soon to be revealed. Grow in your awareness of what draws you into, and keeps you in, a life of darkness: isolation, confusion, frustration. The alternative, our brother, is very powerful and life-sustaining. Be at peace. Live in happiness. Be a light to others. And be grateful you have lived. Namaste.

June 4, 2015                                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The power and magic of gratitude

JANU: Being enamored of living is a joyous path. Many concerned with survival, power struggles, manipulation, greed miss the opportunity to be enamored of the Truth of Life. Being grateful for your next breath becomes clear when it is not there. A sunrise that’s not there. Love from another that’s not there. The warmth of the sun, the refreshing breeze, the basic comforts, peace of mind, the joy of discovery, the miracle of being, when not there bring gratitude for these things. Why be grateful for that which appears regularly, naturally, every day? Need there be a lack in your life to appreciate the abundance of its presence? Even when discarnate, the miracles of life abound. A moment of gratitude reveals more and more reasons to be grateful.

The process of life itself unfolding holds its own beauty. This process can be observed and understood in everything. The physical body you have borrowed for a time has its own beauty of life process. Expect miracles, but take nothing for granted. And the gratitude awakens you to so much more.

You seek peace of mind, balance, and well-being. The gratitude we speak of brings this. The constant searching for more and more is from a lack of gratitude for what is. When filled with gratitude, the emptiness disappears and the greater miracles of life continue. So continue a grateful relationship with life.

This is a powerful consciousness. It connects you with all of life and brings a bounty not designed by you but created by you through gratitude. “What are you grateful for today?” is the question. Namaste.

May 28, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross