Understanding trust and bonding

JANU: We are homing in on the nature of a human identity. To create a bond with another species, or even another group of humans in the current climate of social consciousness, it would be based on trust developed through the beginnings of a history of shared ideals and understandings and trade and economies, partnerships, all subject to the vagaries of varying conditions, interpretations, misunderstandings, rumor and gossip, those things that exist today. However, the awakening of humanity employs capabilities beyond these. The inner connection to the true realities of others opens the doors to understanding them through their own personal histories of thoughts and performance. This principle is true even between human cultures on the Earth and why becoming one human consciousness, a united reality, has been so difficult.

How do you know the reality of another? What faculties are employed to accomplish this? What do you base trust upon? You suggest that this inner method invades privacy. Be it known, then, our brother, that there is no privacy, and never has been, from the oneness of life. All is known. The privacy you cherish is from each other, that the other might abuse the privilege, the knowing.

Many memories are hidden from your own consciousness, not wanting to deal with them or own them or be responsible. What about your trust and your bond with who you are, all you have been and done? Can you own all of this and find peace as well? This is the path, our brother, to inner freedom. Self-condemnation does not liberate or bring peace. If life allows all your choices, endeavors, relationships, thoughts and feelings, and still loves you, is it not worthwhile to understand this? And if this is difficult for you, can you love another in this same way and be honorable with everything you know about them?

Much to accomplish in this, preparing for unity in humanity as well as other beings, other realities. Bring the Light you seek, which is the Truth of Life, to every part of you. Shine Light on it, understand it, own it, and stand in your truth, in true freedom to move on. Namaste.
June 7, 2015                                   Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross