Conscious merging with your True Nature

JANU: We are one. Establishing this frame of reference for communication and insights is a beginning. Being conscious as one entity is a co-existence of many elements of consciousness. Just as your physical body and brain, which is your physical body, and mind, which transcends the physical reality, co-exist as one, independent in many ways but nonetheless at one, mutually beneficial, each needing the other for the experience and the particular journey. Unique to the entity, you see, or unique as the entity. It is not unlike this, being one in consciousness with and as your True Nature. How can it be otherwise? But the framework evolves, becomes more sophisticated, more capable and the understanding unfolds in a natural way.

In time you will hear the voice of others as they explore this evolution in consciousness, and you will learn from each other. When leaving the body, the human imprint remains but no longer dominates consciousness, for all you have ever been and done, on any level, is imprinted. You may call memory, if you wish. For nothing is lost but remains a resource to draw upon and to add to.

Your True Nature journeys with you through life and, little by little, your relationship as one explains itself, reveals itself. And you realize you’re a larger being in a larger life with larger opportunities and a larger service. Continue, our brother. We are one in this. Namaste.

June 4, 2015 B                                                       Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Be sure to check out the latest page on awakening, as those four also relate to this journey.