Climb the mountain or be one with it

JANU:    We are assembling the notion that life is like climbing a mountain. It can be, if that is your perception and your desire. It can also be a seemingly effortless gliding through the vast richness of life, absorbing understanding and becoming one with many realities. The True Nature is served, our brother, by all of this. And any reluctance to engage life takes more effort than to be one with it. The peace we spoke of earlier, on a recent journey, is the foundation for engaging life in a more effortless way. Climbing the mountain is one thing. Embracing it is another. Another pattern of life with wisdom to be gained. Becoming one with any reality strengthens your integrity, your True Being, your consciousness, and your service to life grows. Serenity and a passion for life are not at odds with each other. Namaste.

June 15, 2015 B                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross