JANU: Communications such as these are not an intrusion into the integrity of being, but an awakening of the being to its True Nature. Sojourns and other experiences are never wasted for they are recorded, imprinted into the consciousness of the True Nature. Many of these journeys are new experiences into the larger life and these are recorded as well. The system of communication which we employ is by no means the only one available, but it speaks to your desire for integrity and a procedure that is beneficial to everyone at some point.
We would have you know that the sense of separate identity gives way to a more unified one. No longer the sense of appeasement to bring about a larger reality. More one of attunement to an already existing oneness. The incarnate life continues, still serving its purpose as a classroom, so to speak, to gain wisdom and to serve the flow of life, but a more enlightened sojourn incorporating more of the faculties of the True Nature. Yes, we are one, but more aware of it, making choices with greater insight and the greater balance of perspective of the True Nature and its unlimited resources.
Once again, we speak of the path of awakening. When elements of this suddenly appear in the lives of individuals, there can be confusion and fear, startled by unfamiliar awarenesses. Therefore, the need for a process of awakening that is patient and allows for acclimation and understanding. Namaste, our brother.
July 5, 2015 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross