The nature of life

JANU: The nature of life is no small subject, but simple in its profound simplicity, in its True Nature. Simply stated, life is. What it manifests, what it becomes is far more complicated, diverse, and ever-changing. So when focusing upon the nature of life, realize that you are talking about the principle of being. Even its potential for diversity is growing.

The nature of life is beyond description with words, our brother, for words are designed to describe the realities of life, not its essential nature. They can only hint at a direction of reality, and that is ‘being.’ But you see, even the nature of life is before ‘being.’ Even ‘isness’ is a limitation.

How does one, then, embrace freedom from time/space? For wherever you look, the statement of ‘where’ suggests position. Even among so-called dimensions, it suggests hierarchy, structure, form. Your journey through a singularity hints at this, that the true nature of life has no size, or shape, or limitation. All of that comes from life and exists at one with life. Even time and duration and antiquity and future are products of life. How does one describe non-creation?

The purpose of this exploration is to reveal to the finite mind that it’s awakening, that the primary source of being is at profound peace, and the peaceful life we encourage, the peaceful consciousness we encourage, is a measure of that. And it is easier to perceive that all endeavors are part of the one life. It is possible to have a fundamental perspective of a reality of infinity, timelessness, limitlessness, and oneness. It keeps the door of inquiry open, the yearning for connection being fulfilled always, a growing understanding of love that has no limit, a profound peace and a sense of being that continues.

Life finds no fault with you. Only love you have yet to fully understand, but still benefit from and emulate and embrace. No matter what you become, what path you take, life finds no fault with you. Nothing to forgive. Be at peace, and namaste.

Aug. 9, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross