The sunny side of life

JANU: We are taking a look at the sunny side of life, so to speak. As one begins to attune to and communicate with beings on other worlds, in other realities, and one’s own True Nature, apply this same reality to your neighbor—yes, even to relatives—and find that there are wondrous associations to be had. Entertainment enjoyed at the cinema portraying fictional and non-fictional life scenarios is no substitute for the limitless associations and portrayals of life that exist everywhere, supported by foundation of individual integrity.

Your consciousness transcends time and space; therefore, many realities of consciousness are accessible directly. Many wondrous journeys exist. Get to know your community of life, a grand resource for understanding and developing your abilities to communicate. Do not limit yourself to words. English is not a universal language, but direct knowing is. And your own consciousness can translate meaning.

Making your world of consciousness ever larger gives you perspective on the elements of life. Your own challenges and confusions and misperceptions are seen in a new way. As one travels from one’s own familiar and comfortable environment to other countries, other cultures, your perceptions are modified, expanded, and deepened. See your own life in a new way. See another’s life through their eyes, their experience, their victories and challenges. Touching life in this way is rewarding, and we don’t mean just physical life.

Become a more conscious being. Your faculties will expand and new ones appear. Enrich your life with the richness that is everywhere. Let the wonder and awe, curiosity and joy in living and discovery of a child be yours as well. They are hungry to absorb, emulate, embrace more and more of life. That child lives within you, our brother.

This is the sunny side of life that enriches, restores, and brings warmth to your outlook. And a commitment to discovering your own True Nature exists this way. A healthy and wondrous way to begin your path of oneness and service to life. Growing in this way is indeed service, for it enriches life for everyone. Namaste.

Aug. 3, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross