Living your truth

JANU: We encourage others to gently look within themselves to find the truth to live by, relate with, and encourage by example in others. Is it possible to live a life speaking only the truth as you know it and as you live it? And yes, it is, our brother. Monitoring, when speaking, the integrity of your speech, its intent, and the reality of the one listening. The same is true for your inner thoughts and conversations, remembering that every moment of your life you are creating.

Even with humor, one must monitor its impact. For what is humor that hurts another? Even self-deprecation can be complicated. Lightheartedness can be a service to others and oneself. This does not suggest walking such a tight line in life that one may never offend, even unintentionally.

A harmless but active life is a worthy goal. But life can present you with unforeseen twists and turns and you do the best you can. Forgiving yourself is a good model for forgiving others. Every moment in your life is an opportunity to begin again. And, by all means, begin again. Encourage this in others, for living can be complicated and challenging. Renewing your life keeps life moving, flowing, and changing.

The truth as you know it is the foundation for profound communication. Always open to a new understanding of your truth. Allow your life to unfold. And being part of that brings peace of mind and a richness that will serve you well. Namaste.

Aug. 20, 2015

Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross