Remembering who you are and all you have been

JANU: We are explaining at this time that which ‘seals the deal’ so to speak for attuned communication, and more than communication. A willingness and openness to merge with the True Nature unconditionally, truthfully. To communicate in this way, it is less and less listening only, but perceiving as one. Where the enlightened consciousness becomes the one voice, the one consciousness. It is who you are—who we are—the one consciousness that is. Intimacy. The elements of consciousness merging as one. The mind and the True Nature at peace.

The True Nature can roam all of life, all creation, and beyond. Not limited by time and space, you see. The conscious mind conditioned to separation from that reality by social consciousness and the life path of most others. Much of the awakening involves memory. Remembering what you have already known. The True Nature the vehicle for this.

A worthy question: What do you already know from what you have been and experienced? What memories can be awakened in your mind, in your consciousness? What wisdom is yours? What service to life, to others, have you already demonstrated? These are patterns of existence that are still yours. Once again, focusing and allowing awareness of the larger life enhances your consciousness, brings Light to your decisions and your thoughts, what lies within you, in your memories, in your life patterns, in your True Nature.

The memories are not limited to your current condition, circumstances, or society, or the Earth, or the human life. When they reveal themselves, allow them to exist as they are, without preference. This is part of the larger life of who you are. The outer life does not define you, but does add to your experience. Choose to know and to understand, and you will be grateful for living. Namaste.

Aug. 13, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross