The function of the True Nature

JANU: We are opening to the possibility of a networked reorganization of human social consciousness. We respect the authority for anyone’s choices in lifestyle, consciousness, as their own True Nature. True Natures aren’t as independent or disconnected from each other as one might think based on incarnate human experience of individuality. There are networks of patterns of involvement, of influence, in the destiny of humanity, individually and collectively. In the field of True Natures, on the one hand wisdom gained from experience, all kinds of experience, is desired. But to be continually in motion of discovery, understanding, and wisdom is desired as well. The oneness reality exists among True Natures as well, and much is shared. It is the prerogative of the True Nature individually.

The True Nature does manage the individual incarnate life, but mostly in the background. The movement of awakening on the human journey slowly changes this. The True Nature is entirely aware of the human journey. Conscious collaboration between the True Nature and the human consciousness evolves to the point where it is difficult to tell one from the other as separate realities. This allows for what we call the ‘networking of consciousnesses’ that collectively can achieve wondrous things.

Many opportunities exist for awakening humanity, but the identification with unawakened reality on the human journey controls, to a degree, this process. And this has a divine timing to it as well, you see. But there are those who want to accelerate this process individually. Their resolve and their patience are tested.

It is true that life does not evolve linearly. The flow and evolution of life is a timeless reality. Time/space consciousness has a strong influence on thinking, exploring, and absorbing the Truth of Life. But it has its own reality as well. A oneness consciousness appreciates all realities in a fluid, dynamic, and changing flow of life. The networking we speak of is part of this. The network is not exclusive, but inclusive to all the realities of living.

It is no small journey to awaken to your True Nature and all that that brings. Just as an infant takes its first step with so much potential beyond it, so it is with awakening to your own True Nature, our brother. The beginning of a much larger journey, and there are many steps beyond that one. Namaste.

Aug. 12, 2015                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross