A far better life for humanity

JANU:    What we are achieving in our oneness and communication and service to life is one form of which many will be achieving. Imagine for a moment, our brother, the content and character of a humanity growing in this way of merging into the oneness they already are with their True Natures.

Communication, cooperation, unity, collaboration, on a level unheard of, between people, awakened to the larger life, their larger being, their larger faculties, capacity, and wisdom. This oneness, this closeness, will not be limited to a moment of attunement unique from the day’s experience, but more constantly becoming the norm for living, understanding, and relating to each other. Questions no longer left to the unknown, but answered and understood and applied in the life. Health and well-being understood and achieved with no harmful side effects, natural to the body and the rest of the vehicles. And the ability to lend support to each other, when energies are low and there is confusion in the systems.

So much of today’s society is designed to protect each other from each other. Your Internet is a good example of this. Your police forces attempt this but they are no solution to inner enlightenment and discipline, and values, courage and commitment. Trust between nations and other peoples will form new alliances and eventually eliminate the justification for wars and other conflicts.

So much of humanity’s future is riding upon this change. And so many are yet unaware of who and what they are. Much to be accomplished in this area. The results cannot be measured. Continue your efforts, our brother. Namaste.

Aug. 15, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross