The nature and function of creating

JANU: We are beginning this new episode of journeying called The Power to Create. Many elements of reality here to understand. First being “What is meant by creating, and creating what?”

Creation in this sense is life itself manifesting its potential through the power of creation and the implementation of a growing reality of resources and inspiration. Creating after its own kind, its potential, which can be perceived in any part of its creation. For any creation has in its essence the DNA, if you will, of what it can realize, what it can be. So, in a certain sense, certain levels of life are as a DNA for what is created and what will be created. And, yes, even these patterns of so-called DNA are evolving, for they are not the source of life. They are its potential.

How does a manifestation that appears to be original, new, come to be? The point here, brother, is that its pattern as manifested is not new to the potential of life. It is the product of a reality that has already patterned it. And even that reality is a creation, you see. The inquiry to pursue the source of anything, original thought, original being, at the current moment of evolution of consciousness can be a futile pursuit. For can any creation describe its creator? And even a creator is created, you see, so the subtlety of this is beyond current terminology.

So, you see, our brother, every reality is part of creation. When you create an object out of materials available and understanding at hand, is it your intent to form a creation that knows you, that is you? Or is your intent to have a life of its own, in terms of function and existence, allowing it to be all it can be? The universe is a creation and so are you. You are intended and allowed to be all of your potential, with a consciousness that can choose, explore, and understand as an agent, so to speak, of the life that allowed it to realize its potential.

You cherish independence, individuality, a sense of unique being. There is a larger truth to all of that, our brother. You may create, even as life creates, for you hold some of that pattern as an agent, so to speak, for the larger life. So, on this path of discovery, let us explore many levels of realities of creating, their relationships, their potential, and their connection with the larger life. And we will be creating with you, along this path. Namaste.

Aug. 18, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross