Co-creating from a place of peace

JANU:    In a world obsessed with differences, uniqueness, individuality, survival and power, lost in all of this is the simple truth of oneness, connection, mutual support, and individual and universal understanding. The tide is turning, but these attributes are, as you would say, noisy and hold the attention of the media and others who live in fear and separation. There are many communities living and working together, committed to support, tolerance, patience, and combined talents, wisdom, and spiritual connection. We focus on these from time to time, for they are the source of humanity’s future.

It is a challenge to live in society that broadcasts negativity, destruction, mayhem, and keep your focus upon the power of peace. Peace works quietly, the quiet that responds to the desire to evolve, and respect and help each other. These patterns of suffering and discord are imprinted in your memory, in your core life patterns, and return for resolution from one sojourn to the next. So it is very practical to resolve these, clearing the way for fewer limitations as your lives continue, that are all connected, you see. So even this moment is a wise beginning point to build a life of peace, introspection, purpose, profound understanding, love for yourself and others.

Build into your life practical peace. Peaceful associations and endeavors rich with creativity bring true power. It matters not the scope of the creation but the nature of it. Humans claim to be co-creators. Creating what? And how? And why? Worthy questions. What would you choose to create? And what has been created you’re unaware of? What is the focus of the power of your love?

Sept. 8, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross