Seeing the larger life in everyone

JANU:    There is a tendency to perceive that the next phase of merging as one makes for a life and experience that transcends your current consciousness. Be it known, our brother, that that is one of many stages or phases of consciousness yet to come. There is always more. Life is a vast reality and becoming vaster.

As you achieve these, you serve the likelihood of this destiny for others. All of life is connected in this way. The evolution of one is the evolution of many, for as you become more conscious, you become more conscious of others and they with you. All part of the one life, you see. We are evolving as well, you see, as we share our evolution together. We are not in competition in any way, as are humans not yet enlightened to this, but in cooperation, in full support, and amidst a joy of discovery. All life in the universe is conscious, individually and collectively, at the same time.

No matter your environment, in any form, choose your focus. Discover, realize, and nurture your most noble passions and desires and capabilities. No need to preach them to everyone. Inspire by example, not just in deed but in thought and feelings. These are among the tools of creating, you see. We of the Brotherhood walk this path, serving countless venues of life.

Allow the focus of your consciousness intimacy with the larger life and be encouraged and impressed with the achievements of human consciousness. See the larger life in everyone. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 9, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross