Oneness and connection with other worlds

JANU: We are continuing to explore life with you. There is another world nearby–near in consciousness, not physically–that springs to mind, so to speak, when you entertain the query about the choices a species makes and what they make of the world that is given them. Humanity could have gone in many different directions. A more intellectually oriented world, a more mystical world, a more technological world, a more integrated world of different species. But when you look closely at other worlds, humanity chose to include a combination of directions as if sampling the varieties of life that are possible. The other world we speak of chose privacy and, as a result, became a homogenous society not benefiting from the synergism of experimentation.

Now, many of humanity are of the opinion, or perception, that the elements of their existence are only of the Earth. Many inspirations that have shaped human existence come from many realities. Those who are centered in being alone in the universe would be surprised to learn that the thoughts and consciousness of humanity have inspired other beings on other worlds, influencing their culture and advancements. Being open to exchanges of this nature more consciously will bridge the misperceptions of isolation. The True Natures of individual humans, and collectively, network far and wide. And none of human consciousness and social norms is unknown to them.

The point of this journey is to encourage a growing openness and sensitivity to connection between lives, between ideas, between visions, ambitions, and wonderings. One can know the thought of another, without knowing who or where or what they are. And they can know yours, as well. Oneness, our brother, on a deeper and larger scale, is how we all live, as we have journeyed together to other worlds and other cultures evidences the truth of this.

Being alone in life is an illusion by choice, but as one awakens and matures and becomes wiser, the choice changes and the perception of reality changes as well. The Truth of Life is not held in secret and awareness of it is a choice. Humanity is not the only race in the universe evolving into a larger life. Be at peace with your neighbor. You have been helping each other since the beginning. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 14, 2015 B                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross