The wisdom of a touch of lightheartedness

JANU:    Tomfoolery is a theme for parts of some people’s lives. We encourage lightheartedness in people’s lives, but there is a difference. We speak of this for the reason that effectiveness in serving others in their challenges is advanced in the spirit of lightheartedness, not in foolishness. Humor lovingly done brings balance to a serious challenge. Of course, humor in these circumstances requires sensitivity, good judgement, and a loving heart.

Even in your private moments, lift your spirit in this way. When seemingly consumed with serious thoughts and feelings, step back and observe your reactions with a lighter touch instead of continuing a heavy-hearted relationship with challenges in life to convince yourself of commitment and seriousness. Whim is the very perception, energy, consciousness you need to proceed. Foolishness is to ignore the opportunity of a challenge, so-called hurdles in life.

Your resources to overcome are not limited to physicality or the choices of others. Observe life around you as it finds a way to continue with changing relationships that come and go. Employ your innate power to choose your life engagements. There is no requirement to make any situation a part of your life. Understand your motives and your needs and your desires as you choose each one. Take your time to make a choice. A light heart brings wisdom. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 10, 2015 B                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross