Awakening is a continuous process

JANU: Let us begin by holding in the Light of reason the seeming chaos of life, with its simultaneous complications and diverse elements. Embrace what you may, but hold to the ideal: these many elements are foundations for wisdom gaining and securing a conscious place in life. Why not, then, take life as it is, not finding fault with it but mastering its opportunities? The greater the challenge, reach deeper within. The answers already exist. The power already exists. The support has always been there.

Much of life exists even though unseen. But what eyes do you see with? The eyes that can only see what they recognize? Your powers of observation and understanding exist in a larger way. The whole of your being perceives life, including your own nature. Resting on your laurels can be complacency with what you think you know. Yes, there are times for pauses to assimilate what has been gained, make sense of it and apply it to the life. But moving forward, expanding your consciousness, perceiving more of life continues.

Awakening does not mean the end of challenges and opportunities. If anything, they are more profound, all encompassing. The theme here, you see, is engaging more and more of life, not in a fanatical way but in a loving way. Service to life is a constant, always to be enhanced through awakening. Even the concept of mastering the universe, understanding it, is an unlimited goal and must be tempered with the reality of other universes as well, countless in number. Enrich your life and enrich Life. And enjoy life. Namaste.

Oct. 8, 2015                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross