You are capable of more than you are aware of

JANU:    We are raising the awareness of humanity to a larger view of life and their own being, their own ability. We have talked of future capabilities of humanity, but the present holds miracles as well. Currently, humanity is capable of more than it is using. Individuals can heal themselves of illnesses by utilizing their own power of choice in lifestyle and attitude and emotions and creativity. When you ask an individual if they love themselves, are happy and at peace with who they are, they seem unsure of what that means. This is the lifestyle of a happy being, of healthy body, desiring to remember or discover a new understanding. The capability exists already. Exercising and developing current capabilities begins by being aware of such, of what possibilities exist.

The discoveries we speak of can come from within or the sensitivity to perceiving the abilities of others. Life around you and within is a grand resource. Life is alive, vibrant, and in motion day and night. Ponder from time to time what you are capable of but unaware of, exploring what you already have. Many see attributes in others they are unaware of in themselves. But what do they know of their own? Your potential to explore more of life and realize these things and develop them is already within you. But individuals limit themselves by patterning their lives after the limitations of others, rather than the potentials that exist everywhere.

Why not be the source of the new idea, a deeper understanding, a string of adventures in life? Today does not have to emulate yesterday. Stimulate your imagination by using it, acting upon it, as it guides decision-making and experiences. Visualize your life as a grand adventure, including this very moment. Consider what you would enjoy achieving.

We are not suggesting only one goal at a time, for life is a co-existence of many opportunities that can expand each other and deepen the experience. Remember, there is always synergism in life. Even repeated contributions to a goal can all have a freshness and a newness about them. Imagination, creativity, commitment, and manifestation, and resulting experiences enrich your life. What occurs tomorrow may be different than today but they are connected. Be the creator you are. Your future lives today. Namaste.

Oct. 13, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross