Exploring the larger life

JANU: Sublimating curiosity to a more profound connection with life, let us command perspective on the human adventure as it pertains to its role in the scheme of things.

In some ways, humanity is just beginning its adventure, becoming more and more aware of life beyond the Earth. There are many schools of thought and experience as to the non-physical nature of human consciousness. A true adventure awaits when meeting another from another world and learning of each other’s psyche, understanding the capabilities. This can be what some would call ‘a tricky time,’ a delicate beginning of relationships, learning how strong and fragile your perceptions can be.

A question arises, again: What is real and what is not? Has something been imagined or observed?

Procreation has many faces. Humanity will explore the lives of other worlds looking for common ground and finding it difficult to find. What of life spans that vary greatly? Diversity is a strength of life. Many species will have evolved differently. Humans talk about the ‘last great frontier.’ There are frontiers they have not yet imagined.

Oct. 22, 2015 B                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross