Are humans missing opportunities for co-existence?

JANU:  Yes, it is true. Many opportunities for growth in evolution, in consciousness and experience, have occurred for humanity and the animal world co-existing on the Earth. As you have intuited, some Native American traditions recognized this and embraced it. They recognized certain skills possessed by the animals that they did not have and sought to honor all life and not only learn but develop sensitivities and understandings, seeing parallels in their own lives. Physical survival and families were strong motivations. These sensitivities are not totally lost, but individuals embrace them as well at this time, but could go much further. And some have.

The co-existence of animals and humans, and other life forms as well, is not an accident. Humanity has favored intellectuality, technology, and is slowly beginning to realize the significance of the extinction of a species. Animals have a consciousness, intuition, and communication not well understood. These abilities could enhance human communication and relationships if understood. There are differences between species and much to understand. See them not only as resource for nutrition and labor. Far more involved than that, our brother. Thank you, and namaste.

Nov. 18, 2015 B                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross