More on Angels

JANU: It is true, our brother. The bright spot of light you saw above the head of one of the group was angelic. Many times angels appear this way to those who can see them. The more you see them, the more you realize they are everywhere, and not always in proximity to a person.

They are a hierarchy of life and Archangel Michael is real. They respond to many types of calls, to thoughts and emotions, moments in consciousness, and not just people. They bring guidance on acute conditions, as well as blessings, encouragement, and healing energy. Servants of life earning gratitude from humanity every day, never requiring it. They can appear in human form when it serves a purpose, as you have seen.

The study of these is a worthy pursuit in raising consciousness and awakening. And yes, communication is possible. They are part of the Hierarchy of Life, having their protocols, orders, traditions, and history.

It is possible to refine the relationship and pattern-match with these. Serving life in harmony with these is an enriching experience. One can add angelic qualities to their own consciousness, becoming partners in life. Much to learn here, and gain. Much to achieve.

Nov. 23, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

See “Angels” on page Awakening Nov. 2014