Exploring life: other worlds

JANU: We are bringing to your consciousness more of the breadth of life, stimulating the greater awakening of the consciousness. Let us reach, then, again into the Archives of Life and see what we find.

At first we find many different worlds, many cultures, technologies, philosophies, relationships, societies, and beings, physical, ethereal, and beyond. Some of these exist within the influence of Earth, but most unknown to humanity.

You ask, “What do we have in common with other worlds?” Survival, of course. Love for progeny. Desire for well-being. And, for many, a common appearance. Great differences in the age of civilizations. Great variations in enlightenment.

Many have chosen spiritual understanding beyond what humans would call ‘religion.’ Many have mastered wellness and balance. Many communicate non-verbally and record their history permanently with universal access. There are many consciousnesses that behave as biological computers with infinite storage capacity that is instantaneous, for the storage is not mechanical but bio-dynamic with structure that regenerates as there is more to be stored. The collective consciousness has immediate access to all of it. There are worlds where individual secrets are of the past and no longer restrict understanding and communication. Worlds where the children do not forget who they are.   Worlds that are genderless, free of the confusion that brings. Androgynous worlds. Worlds where people communicate with color. Their thoughts generate these colors and are perceived by others with direct inner vision. Communication is instantaneous, without deception. There are worlds, our brother, just beginning to awaken and the human societies of Earth would seem advanced. Water worlds, where life is still under the sea but intelligent.

The opportunities of exploration can seem unlimited. So much of life to relate to and learn from and be in harmony with. And yes, the angels are emissaries to assist communication and a co-existence. So, let us embrace the larger life, its meaning and purpose. Namaste.

Dec. 3, 2015 B                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross