Remembering who you are 

JANU: We are welcoming you this morning to the entourage of life always present. Life is a busy reality, comings and goings, initiations, fulfillments, commitments, and service. Everyone exists in the midst of this entourage. Experiences vary, due to changing interests and abilities. Many look into space and see nothing, yet their life is surrounded and filled by this entourage. Many see vast distances in the universe as unattainable, impossibly distant or remote, unknowable, but this is the illusion of time/space, our brother. The Family of Life is everywhere and every when. You are one with this, remembering that this is so.

You ask, “What does it take to be conscious of this Family of Life?” Choose to remember. Choose to experience. Choose to understand. Choose to embrace.

You ask, “How can you trust this to be a positive and enriching experience?” Choose the judgement and confirmation of your own divine True Nature to guide you, reveal the truth to you. It is who you are and knows. Listen within, peacefully, quietly, lovingly. Your True Nature is with you always and is part of this Family of Life. You have a history with this Family of Life. Choose to remember it.

Your brief sojourn here as a human is an opportunity to enrich life, honoring experience and wisdom, bringing what you have gained into the human experience, further linking all realities. Remember the oneness of your entire nature. Make decisions as a conscious being, leaving forgetfulness and ignorance behind. Find peace in remembering all of this. Be the Light that you are, where you are, when you are. This is true whether incarnate or not, makes no difference. Be conscious once more as a member of the Family of Life, diverse and rich beyond description. Listen to the truth that has always lived within you and stand in it, inspiring others that they can do the same.

Dec. 4, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross