Humanity as a living system

JANU:    For this morning’s journey, let us explore the raging that exists in society against inequities. What is common in the social experience demonstrates that the society leaves many behind without the benefit of better ways of understanding and looking at life, their own nature and their own power and their interface with incarnate life, not to mention their True Natures. Anger, frustration, deprivation, futility–they breed change but in a violent way. People who are comfortable in life are not looking for that kind of change. The status quo becomes a very subtle friend.

Thinking more globally, humanity could evolve as a unit, full of diversity but mutually beneficial. Your physical body strives to be healthy and evolve, taking everything into consideration in the system. Humanity being thought of, seen, and dealt with as a living system, and not just individuals, is coming. A system of life as a field for successful exploration of more of life. Seeing collective humanity as a system, as a unit of life, marshalling all of its strengths and adaptability. No one individual possessing a strength and understanding, a faculty, for their own purpose only. A healthy body serves itself and all of its elements, one way or another, as a living system. So serve those who have little. Namaste.

Dec. 21, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross