Knowing life and allowing life to know you

JANU: You’ve been musing about the co-existence of the manifest and the unmanifest. This approach to understanding is more enlightening than the physicality perceptions of one thing being separate from another, a temporary illusion or perception of the nature of life. We spoke earlier of the creation unable to describe its creator, but when the consciousness extended to the creation begins to become more at one with its creator, the understanding comes, and not from the perspective of the creation but of the creator, by which the creation benefits in understanding.

Now, this process isn’t just ‘one moment and you’re through.’ It’s an ongoing process of realization, of oneness, of co-existence, and evolves into far greater understanding and evolution of the being. Imagine connecting with another species on another world in this way. The misperceptions, interpretations, and confusion of physical first encounter gives way to a deeper, fuller, natural connection and matching understanding for both parties, when so attuned. What would take generations eons of time is accomplished in moments.

Even within your own Earth, the animal and sea life offers vast opportunity for understanding, mutual respect, and mutual service. There is so much life on and in the Earth humanity does not understand. Becoming consciously one with any element of life enriches the observer and that observed. Have you considered allowing a creature of the Earth to know you? They are capable of this and it would greatly change your relationship. Many consider animals a resource, with some moments of companionship here and there, where a resource exists in mutual understanding, cooperation, and service that is unknown.

This evolution in human consciousness is not hidden, when achieved. All of life can know this and participate. Opportunities you could not plan become available. Life is rich beyond your dreams, if you but allow it and engage it. Take this journey in understanding and consciousness development. Encourage this in your children. They are more ready than you know. Help them have a lifetime developing this. The future is rich, full of promise and achievement. Namaste.

Jan. 4, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross