Thresholds of Life

JANU: This subject is aptly named for that is the nature of experience for the explorer.

As you have already experienced, new understandings are like the wind coming in an open window, full of possibilities, paving the way to newer thresholds of experience, understanding and service. The energy of the wind is the love that Life has for you, embracing you through and through. Every new understanding is a threshold of life permeated with opportunity. Not discarding thresholds already achieved, but building upon them, for all of these are a foundation for moving through life, embracing it, mastering it, in the sense of reproducing it and enriching it. No one needs to convince you of a threshold’s validity, for the experience does this.

Anticipate these, pregnant with expectancy. These are some of the keys for you and they to find each other. Life is not a stagnant reality. It is dynamic, rich, and ongoing, always ready to absorb change, expansion, and deepening. The thrill of life is its evolution. And you are life, as are we. Be thrilled with the growth of another, as we are with yours.

Life is aware of everything at all times, in all places, in all realities. There are no secrets. How could life evolve if there were? It would be fragmented, divided within itself. Be alert to the next threshold. Explore its meaning, its scope, its understanding, and its opportunities. Expect these and engage them. Life is worth living and always has been, and shall always be. Namaste.

Jan. 8, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross