Pure Beingness

JANU: Beingness, an understanding of reality that transcends time and space, transcends concepts, perceptions, interpretations, and illusions. Beingness remains to be seen, for what is doing the seeing, our brother, but the elements of being finding their way in the reality of being.

Now, what does this mean? It means that your True Nature is a being in the sense that all that you experience in any reality is the essence of your True Nature. You are the life you live, and the lives you meet. For beingness, our brother, is a connection with life in whatever manner it is. Allowing your awareness, your consciousness to embrace your reality on this foundation of understanding, without effort, reveals your beingness that includes everything. How can it not be so? What is oneness, if not this?

Beingness has no borders, no real and not real, no life and not life. This flies in the face of human perception of individuality, separation from other realities. Uniqueness, yes. Separation identity, very limited, and does not relate to Pure Being. How can you be part of Life and not the rest of it? Universal and unlimited consciousness, the true freedom to be, limited by nothing yet at one with everything.

You ask, “How does one function in incarnate life on this basis?” Because consciousness, our brother, and beingness is not ‘one thing and not another.’ It is incarnate life, in every respect, and the rest of life as well. It is completely inclusive, eternal. Time and space are only elements of the larger life. No secrets. Unlimited consciousness. No ‘not attunement and attunement,’ you see, for in beingness one has always been connected.

This is the focus we encourage for understanding and service to Life. Namaste.

Feb. 29, 2016 B                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Be sure to check out the previous three posts, as well.