Life beyond the veil

JANU:    What we see first here is a more spontaneous response to living situations, not only in your understanding, your awareness, but your relationship with others and their needs. Humanity in general is constantly seeking enlightenment. Life is very confusing in many situations. Many play a game of society, posturing image for impression with others to fit in and for advantage, yet secretly longing for pure understanding to the nature of life, their own existence, and wisdom. Very confused as to what love is and simple happiness seems illusive. Representing a more natural way of existence through constant attunement or awareness as to the nature of life can be an inspiration for those looking for understanding or answers to their questions. Not from you, but from within their own True Natures, Life itself. And that is what this is about, in part, our brother. A natural existence of understanding and awareness, a knowingness within your being untapped so to speak, always. No sense of aloneness and being lost in the sea of life.

This connection we speak of that you inquire about is not abnormal. It is uncommon. But more people tap into this from time to time in their lives than they realize. You can inspire them to be better at it, so to speak, for it to be more reliable and available. Every insight need not be recorded but taken within to your foundation of understanding.

We see developments here, not only in understanding but utilization of faculties in the application of energies and consciousness, promoting healing, peace of mind, a strong sense of inner strength and confidence, a natural happiness and sense of humor, recognizing absurdities and enjoying play. Much to explore and accomplish and, yes, master.

The veil, our brother, was never intended to be permanent or eternal. Only a tool to help one focus on the incarnate life, only for as long as needed. More and more are nearing the end of that journey, to find guidance within to carry them further. All of these and more: faculties, facilities, and gifts of life to be explored. Understanding and experiencing a direct connection with the rest of life is a grand journey, for life is rich and has much to offer itself in the coming together. Many systems in your physical bodies have a harmonious and mutually beneficial relationship. All the parts of life have this as well.

Becoming one in your consciousness, in your experience, is enriching. Developing this way of life while incarnate as well is full of wonder and so-called miracles. Life is magical, our brother. The scope and depth of the journeys cannot be fully foretold. But the promise is real and so is the fulfillment. Namaste.
Mar. 7, 2016                                                                    Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Be sure to check out Pure Beingness as well as the previous three postings to get continuity of this process.