JANU: Many are motivated simply to explore more of life, the wisdom of understanding, the power to engage, the discovery of potential. And, yes, many pursue specific goals. But do not encourage others to do so, for there are many challenges and not all journeys are straightforward, and can run in circles. The lowering of the veil can be problematic; the lifting of said veil requires much for some. The contract made with the self holds fast, but many in what you call the Larger Family of Life assist with the recovery of consciousness. All involved grow from the experience and this is understood before incarnating.
Your particular reason for this journey, our brother, has to do with a so-called ‘fight for life’ in a distant reality, for incarnating can be a far journey. Living is a larger issue than just existing in the physical. The incarnate journey is far larger than physical survival. It is the survival and expansion of consciousness, bringing larger life, more of life, to the realities of the existence. What you struggle for and achieve here and there, seeming to stumble from time to time, is to enrich life incarnate. And make no mistake, our brother. What is gained will serve well on other journeys into life’s potential.
Probe the depths of the mysteries of life. Seek their revelations. And embrace your own nature as you do. The current incarnate experience does not define you, for its full potential is far from realized. And your potential is larger still, whether incarnate or not. Your question is valid, but what answer can contain it all? For it is still being realized. Probe the mysteries of life, whether apparent or not. Ask the questions and listen to life’s answer. Enjoy the journey. Share it as you may. Namaste.
Apr. 6, 2016 B Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross