Awakening 9: Connection

JANU: There are many forms of this process of awakening throughout the universe for the cultures and configurations of many vary greatly, as does their consciousness. So awakening can seem quite different on another world, in another reality. But the reality of oneness, love, collaboration, mutual service become more a composite of the larger life as a result. The message for this session is connection, conscious connection in a larger and deeper way. When one human begins to know intimately the reality of another, bonding can begin, intimacy, meaningful relationship, and identity sharing. So it is in the larger life. Becoming more conscious enhances connection with more of life and more of life connecting with you. For that’s what connection is: mutual contact, the revealing of each other’s consciousness, the qualities of being, and life involvements.

Of course, these experiences will challenge your human identity experience. When one is so anchored in a world of forms, boundaries, differences, connections are limited by differences. In the larger life, diversity is strength. As oneness with each other’s unique qualities brings understanding to be embraced and incorporated. This brings clarity to so much more of life.

When one asks the questions “Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? Where do I belong?” the answers to these involve connections. For being alone on a unique path is an illusion. Contributing to being connected with the larger life gives meaning to everything. These questions come from a human existence, conscious only of separation, being or feeling disconnected. Result of the veil, you see, chosen for a reason but eventually growing beyond the need for it as one begins to perceive the truth of the incarnate life and its origins.

The creation of a deity called ‘God’ by humanity is a limited approach to discovering the deity of their own being, their True Nature, and the larger Family of Life. The deity understanding has merit and serves in its way, but it is self-created and limited from a larger point of view. Nevertheless, it is part of life and one of life’s many miracles. Awakening does not negate the miracle of deity; it understands it and places it in perspective to something larger. It is humanity’s quest for something divine, larger than it knows. A valid quest, but awakening, our brother, is the path to this discovery and the realization of humanity’s dreams and desires for the Truth of Life.

Connection, consciously, is the beginning of mastership and true freedom. Namaste.

Apr. 19, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings, starting May 1.