Awakening includes all realities

JANU: The overwhelming desire by most to develop their lives into something satisfying and fulfilling has always been there, on the human journey. This calling within, this motivator is born of the True Nature. For the True Nature, our brother, that who you truly are, desired this human journey and it is reflected in this inner compulsion to fulfill a destiny. Returning to a conscious association with the larger you is a theme on this journey of awakening that is compelling. These discourses into understanding the larger truths, the truths within, are not arbitrarily imposed or inspired but come from your own True Nature.

Avoiding this by hiding within the smaller demands of living, the societal encumbrances, is a temporary distraction and is not the fulfillment of motivations to realize destiny. Yes, there are achievements in this course of living and have become companions on the journey. These societal encumbrances are temporary in the larger picture of the truth of who you are.   Enjoy them as you may, but be aware that the deeper satisfactions, the deeper fulfillments that not only are more lasting and more enriching, remain with you.

These journeys into awakening are not meant to be a distraction from the human journey but a larger perspective for the human journey to be part of. Allowing physicality and the larger life to be consciously one in your understanding and your experience is a worthy desire. In time, you see, you perceive the natural essence of everything in the so-called ordinary endeavors. It is all Life, our brother. There is truth to be revealed in the nature of everything and is a key element on the journey of awakening, especially while incarnate.

But this is true for other realities of existence as well. Everything is connected, oneness a fundamental reality. Consciousness transcends and includes all of these. Taking the larger view of life includes the lesser views. Namaste, our brother.
July 27, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 2 contains all prior attunements in this series.