
JANU: We are beginning today’s journey into the known, for all that is, our brother, is known, even the unknown by way of its potential. Even your destiny is known by the conscious you; however, your destiny is more of a direction than its components. The wonder of it all is what you choose to include in it and life’s response to your creative intent. Certainly, your proven capabilities are a foundation for this, but your potential developments are as well. Why not explore these, through the path of awakening? Employing these in your desire to grow and awaken more fully enriches you.

You ask, “What is destiny, then?” It is a composite of life experience that grows with you. Destiny can be misunderstood as written in stone, so to speak. It is not. And neither is life. But it is built on fundamental principles, realized through the flow of life. As a stream has many eddies and currents, turbulences and mixtures, so has the flow of life. So you see, our brother, your destiny is created by you, the total you. It is a reality to be cherished and anticipated and developed and experienced, gaining wisdom.

You see how each flow of life, each so-called individual’s destiny is part of everyone else’s by way of the interacting eddies, flows, and currents of the life flow we are all part of. Rational binary mind does not embrace this easily, yet the reality is there. Even observing the so-called destiny of another to be described in a certain way does not define them. It is too fluid for that. Choosing to engage a destiny for this sojourn does not mean it is the same for all sojourns, our brother, or the only destiny in one lifetime.

Consider the depth of your desires. Your destiny is the path you choose. The key here is to listen within. The inner and outer life are all one, for they are all life and inspire each other. See destiny with new eyes. Be true to your inspirations. You are the Life that guides you. You are the dog and the tail, metaphorically. Namaste, our brother.
Sept. 6, 2016                                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 5 contains all prior attunements in this series.