Building bridges

JANU: We are surveying with you your topics of interest in the human condition and its potential relationship with other worlds, its own unification for mutual benefit, and its emergence in consciousness as a collaborative body of life. What we see here, our brother, is what you anticipate: the discovery of the Truth of Life behind pettiness, conflict, violence, confusion. From one point of view, it seems as a waste of resources. And from another, an investment in the swing of the pendulum from one extreme to another, and the dichotomies in between.

The choice has always been with humanity to breach differences with cooperation. The bridge does not eliminate the opposite shores but combines them into a larger reality. Using resources to annihilate one another, not just physically but philosophically, spiritually, is a self-defeating expression of life. There are moments of genius, vision, insight, brilliance to understand and build so many bridges between differences that go by the wayside in the midst of mutual destruction. Now, beings are not destroyed, our brother, but opportunities and consciousness go unused.

What a worthy pursuit for investigation and discovery is the building of a bridge between differences and people and circumstances. The purpose of the bridge, you see, is to share resources, build confidence, allow each other’s truth to be and flourish and become stronger through the wisdom on each end of the bridge, you see. These bridges build the future based on the potential of consciousness. The ingredients, the elements of the bridge building are revealed in an understanding of what the bridge connects. That is the impetus, the catalyst. An awakening creative consciousness utilizes these for the potential of benefit is seen and anticipated.

It takes the circumstances and experiences of so many with differences to build the bridges into the future. A future that no longer looks like the repetition of the past, but a bright light to grow into. This is the purpose of awakening, you see, our brother. The bridges even include a connection between old understandings and new. Even within the individual, change is from something to something else and occurs with these bridges of flexibility, cooperation.

We encourage and inspire bridge building in each one’s life and the lives between people. There are many worlds waiting for and building bridges to other worlds, other realities, the fullness of life. Be a bridge builder. Begin with your own existence, your own understandings. Namaste, our brother.
Sept. 7, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. (Add Media set 5) contains all prior attunements in this series.