JANU: We are focusing, then, upon the duration of the human journey and its stages of evolution and thresholds of service. The duration of the human journey begs the question: What is human? A certain species, yes. An evolutionary path of consciousness, yes. A pattern of certain qualities in the larger reality of service to life, yes. A species unique but changing, but not only of the Earth.
Physical stature to become thinner and taller due to lifestyle changes, evolution of DNA, activation of DNA elements, changes in consciousness, and changes in environment. Humanity has already changed a great deal physically. The reasons for these continue. Colonies on other worlds present environmental changes. The humanity changes will find their way to the rest of the population, to varying degrees. So these explorations, you see, are not isolated in their influence.
Inner journeying changes perspective, understanding, and awareness of the self and its potential. This will continue on, our brother, for many millennia. The larger the experience and perspective, the less need for brutal conflict, selfishness, and personal empire building. The strength and well-being of the collective will be understood as individually and mutually beneficial. Enriching the whole serves the individual as well.
The accumulation of True Power and its expression will endure. Individuality and a sense of the wholeness of the collective continue harmoniously. In many ways, the reality of the collective finds expression and meaning individually. Humanity is adaptable to the varying experiences of other worlds, other beings, other life realities energetically and beyond. Humanity’s existence is already a product of these. The perspective of ‘this or that’ gives way to ‘this and that,’ becoming more. The joy of fulfillment no longer limited to personal gains or the illusion of wealth and ownership of possessions. Life becomes more fluid with opportunities and realities moving in and out and through the life. This serves the flow of life and the converse is true.
So, you see, our brother, humanity is more than the physical body and its current configuration. Life endures, evolves, serves itself. Experiences beyond number line the path of the future of humanity. So the endurance, you see, is not defined by outcome but by the journey. Full of change, full of traditions that come and go, and full of beauty and love yet to be understood. Namaste, our brother.
Sept. 28, 2016 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross
This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.