What is your security and peace based on?

JANU: Relegated to the whims of the past, human society had enveloped itself with many traditions that delay or block some patterns of awakening. In the challenges coming, we see many of those patterns manifesting directions of consciousness, traditions of isolation, exclusivity, and disconnect from oneness and the consciousness of the Now. The path of awakening, our brother, is not an easy ride when one chooses to prefer traditional thinking and behavior over a fresh look at life and freedom. The veil continues to promote or provide an atmosphere of separation and isolation, fearing the loss of traditions and comfort, providing the illusion of peace and security but without much change.

The times to come will challenge these greatly, so what does one hang onto then, as a core reality in maintaining sanity and an enduring perspective that is open to the larger life? As always, our brother, a central theme of awakening is the merging of the human consciousness identity with that of the larger life, the True Nature. That sanity, that clarity of understanding transcends the human experience.

Familiarity and the sense of security from tradition is a comfort zone, predictable, with no surprises. But many challenges, our brother, to engaging the larger reality of life are finding peace of mind and a sense of security in the ancient traditions of life in motion. These traditions are not locked in place, but are growing, encompassing more and more, as is who you are. The more one ventures into the larger Truth of Life, the more they gain confidence in a different kind of tradition, of life in motion through change, with richer outcomes and deeper understanding and the veil drops away.

A valid question for the seeker after the larger life is: What is the basis of your sense of peace and security? What is its reality? Can it be easily taken away or interfered with? And, if so, what replaces it? Or why do you need that in the first place? Difficult questions, our brother. Challenging, but liberating. Namaste.
Dec. 22, 2016 B                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 12 contains all prior attunements in this series.