Living in peace

JANU:    The theme today is peace, the peace that makes these journeys possible. Peace in the presence of any challenge brings resolution, success, and strength. Peace is a powerful tool on the journey of awakening. And when one discovers new vistas, new opportunities and challenges, in a sense peace is the victor here and it is part of you. Exploring the reality of peace in your being brings great revelation into the nature of life. Peace-filled living, adventures, service, and embrace lifts the tone, if you will, of every experience. The Christ has been referred to as the ‘Prince of Peace.’ What does this suggest to you?

No longer thought of as an absence of violence, but a powerful engaging reality, the kind of power that facilitates everything. Your journey through life is complemented by this. Peace is a condition of consciousness that allows people to embrace each other, your ideas, your philosophies, your cares and desires, your passions, and leaves fears behind. They are replaced and no longer needed. The health of the physical body and the emotions are maintained with the presence of this.

Everything in your being enjoys peace. Everything in your being has, in its foundation, the need for harmony, mutual support, and a oneness as peace understands. Life is in you, around you, everywhere. Peace is part of its nature. How can oneness occur without the reality of peace? Ambition without peace creates many eddies in the current of life and the struggles ensue, leading to more. Seeing the light at the end of any tunnel is through the eyes of peace.

Consider what the word means to so many. Not well understood. True power is channeled by true peace. Allow this to be part of your life and everything improves. Namaste.
Feb.14, 2017                                 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 16 contains all prior attunements in this series.

Be sure to check out the category “peace” as well as the collection of earlier journeys on PEACE.