How to begin intentional awakening

JANU: Enormous then is the journey ahead, and seemingly so for those to begin their journey. The challenge, recently asked by another, “How do you begin?” A very reasonable request.

You begin by asking yourself “Is there more to life than this?’ and then “Who am I? Is there a purpose?” And then allowing desire and commitment. Understanding the life around you and the life within you go hand in hand. They are one, in the deeper understanding. What would give you joy in your life, if you had the freedom to choose? Which, of course, you do. What is your dream for happiness and fulfillment?

Focus upon this and the understanding will come on how to begin. Life around you will demonstrate opportunity, as will the lives of others, building an inner peace that allows for listening and recognizing the truth within you. Practice this with repetition whenever it occurs to you. The outer life is fulfillment through expression of the truth within you. Make the two one.

The journey is without end, as is Life. It evolves, being ever more challenging and fulfilling. Sharing your lives with each other genuinely, with patience and kindness, builds unity. Many journeys, many beings, one evolving Life, benefiting from each other individually and collectively. The revelations come, new thresholds of being, understanding, and service. Do not forget patience and peace. Namaste.
Mar. 6, 2017                                       Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 17 contains all prior attunements in this series.