Inclusive reality

JANU: We are sequencing, then, that which belongs to the arc of time into a unity that transcends but includes the elements of such. We speak of awakening as a process, the processing of elements that build a foundation of understanding, compatibility, and the reality of oneness. Let us now delve into that which is inclusive reality.

Human separation consciousness explores life with boundaries, limitations, countless identities and descriptions, personalities and egos. Strange it seems when one is presented with inclusive reality to where it is all of that, previous perception applied or exists. It still exists, our brother, but is included in a consciousness beyond identity, but includes all identities, and all possibilities. Focusing upon one element of inclusive reality is still valid, but the perspective includes so much more. The oneness describes the connection, at all times, between all elements of inclusive reality.

Therefore, where does the human perspective of identity come into play? Inclusive consciousness is what we speak of here. Linger as this. Be this. Your world of consciousness no longer subject to injury, dissolution, the so-called ‘ravages of time.’ You become, you are, timeless limitless being, no longer requiring individual identity, that being only a small portion of your reality. You are more alive than you have ever been, in your awareness, for you are one with everything.

We don’t just mean the so-called ‘fifth dimension.’ We speak of beingness beyond questions and answers. Inclusive consciousness includes all questions and all answers. They are always present. You are part of each other, freer in consciousness than you have ever known. Linger in this, our brother, as the journeys continue. Namaste.
Mar. 7, 2017                                                    Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 18 contains all prior attunements in this series.