What is life?

JANU: We are exploring with you your question: What is Life? Not to be flippant but an answer is: What is not?

When one explains the question through form, there is truth there, but not all of it. When one explores life without form, there is truth there, but not all of it. One speaks of the so-called Big Bang, the beginning of your universe. Before that occurred, was there life? The answer is Yes, but what kind of life? It cannot be described by form, words, or limits, even character. You ask, “Is that Life aware of itself?” The answer is Yes, but in a different way.

So even a universe is an expression of life, an opportunity for discovery as to its nature. If you were Life without form or creation, how would you become self-aware as to your nature? By allowing your potential to create, with intimacy, for the creation is of you.

You ask, “Is there a beginning to Life, that has such potential?” The answer is No, our brother, for that potential, and its potential, are beyond time. The body of Life is not described by words or the perceptions of its creations. The evidence of its existence is all realities, whether physical or not. Creations serve as a realization, but life is not a thing, not a power. It is subtler than your most subtle perceptions or imaginations. Even your universe cannot describe it, and there are countless universes in the body of Life. Even the word ‘body’ is a limitation.

So, the answer to your question, our brother, does not lie in words, even though the question does. Being in harmony with the realization of potential, as a oneness with all that is and all that can be, is the life that you are. So, expand your consciousness, your understanding and wisdom, create, serve, enjoy, and be the Life that blesses you. Namaste.
May 18, 2017                                            Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.Awakening II Set 23 contains all prior attunements in this series.