Cycles of Life

JANU: You ask, “How large is the Larger Life?” Life is in cycles, our brother. The Larger Life referred to is the current cycle. Even life renews its expression, its presence, its journey, its evolution and outcomes. So even the term ‘Larger Life’ is in motion. However, the journey in this cycle plays its role in experience and wisdom for the continuation of these cycles of life. There is a thread, you see, connecting all cycles of life that is a theme full of oneness. Oneness in principle and purpose and potential.

You ask if there is consciousness or continuity not limited by any one cycle of life. There is, our brother, but cannot be described in these limited words. Most of the content of a cycle of life is beyond words.

Wisdom is gained through experience. So how does one then experience most fully their journey in any cycle of life? By awakening to the experience, its full depth and breadth, and its potential. The awakening of humanity is essential; otherwise the life cycle continues to replicate itself in smaller cycles until fully experienced by the consciousness of life by those that walk its journey. Awakening is the clearest path to the full experience of living through the cycles of life. This is why ‘awakening’ is the theme of these journeys, to become more conscious of the Larger Life that you already are.

Now, the grand experiences that are most useful to you do not come with a sign advertising their merit. Follow your instincts, your intuition, your inner guidance when choosing whether to or not engage an opportunity, for there is a part of you that understands potential and its expression through opportunities. Enjoy awakening. It is a rich path of discovery, realization, and an evolving consciousness. It enriches the cycles of life. Namaste.
Sept.15, 2017                                                            Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross
This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 31 contains all prior attunements in this series.