Co-creation and Deity

JANU: We are establishing a link to a format change in the integrity of that which conveys so much meaning. By this we mean the Deity referred to by many names in human culture, which is a creation of desires and hopes of humanity. Desire and emotion are strong allies in the creation of reality. The format change we refer to is a development in the consciousness of humanity and its identity as a co-creator.

Now, the Deity created thus far is a natural and a wise reality, but is subject to change as the collective consciousness of humanity evolves. So the format we refer to is a deepening relationship in perception as co-creator, which has always been the case but not perceived as fully. The Awakening series (Awakening-a series & Awakening II Set 31) is a foundation of preparation for the individual responsibility as a conscious co-creator, a necessary evolution in human consciousness. Freedom, sovereignty, liberation, peace, co-creation, harmony with the flow of life, wisdom, and a perpetual desire to serve the evolution of life and the realization of its potential are hallmarks of the evolving and awakening consciousness. This is occurring as we speak, our brother, and so be it. Namaste.
Sept. 8, 2017 B                                                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross