Peaceful awakening

JANU: We are encouraging, then, the performance of what some would call futile attempts to embrace the larger life. Futility, our brother, only speaks of frustration and impatience and negativity. Embracing the larger life is natural and normal and a process that takes patience, courage, commitment, and a love of discovery with gratitude for every opportunity. Setting goals for awakening limits the process. The conscious human psyche by way of the veil cannot see the larger picture yet, you see. New Year’s resolutions often fail for they are long range, you see. So commitment to awakening and its realization is in the moment, not measured by time.

Peace is the theme here, not frustration or disappointment promoted by artificial measurements, signposts, deadlines, rate of progress. Be grateful for the awareness that you have and more will come. Acknowledge there is more to life than you currently know and love it into your life. Inspiring others by example does not mean demonstrating miraculous behavior and knowledge, but by living peacefully and meeting challenges harmoniously.

Enjoy the journey. Reflect upon it often. And enjoy today. Namaste.
Dec. 26, 2017                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 7 contains all prior attunements in this series.