What is the nature of Life?

JANU: The nature of Life is vaster than the human mind can grasp the totality of. Humans speak of existence but in a limited way, and of non-existence without understanding. What is Life, then, but everything and every no-thing?

Life is. Knowing a portion of it that applies to you is sufficient to nurture every interest, every endeavor, every evolving moment. So the question is less, “What is its nature?” and more to the point, “What expression of it are you part of and do you serve?” The life that you are understands this. Its nature is ‘to be,’ everything and beyond. Not in distance, our brother, but in potential. The collective of every reality is Life itself. Being grateful that there is life reveals more of it to you. The journey is the gift and that is the realization of the potential, the fulfillment of being.

Be at peace. Evolve. Be the life you are, and all that goes with that, you see, challenges, overcomings, revelations, and love in its infinite variety. Grow in understanding, in participation in the Family of Life, the Larger Life, in every singularity. Namaste.
Mar.15, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

Editor’s note: This is a good example of the spiral nature of life. This seemed a good “new” series, only to get this response, and realize we’d done a goodly number earlier. The reader may wish to check out the category “Nature of Life.”