Embracing the Larger Life

JANU:    Embracing the Larger Life is embracing who you are, your potential and all you have become. Awakening to this reveals this. The incarnate experience and the veil makes this seem far away, distant and almost unreachable. This is an illusion, which is a property of current human existence.

You ask, “What does it take to remember what seems so elusive?” It takes loving it as your own, identity shifting, letting go of limitation, the so-called common experience of so many. Embrace the vision of the larger you, experience it and the memories return. Identify with it and it becomes your countenance, which enriches life and serves so many. Love it into your life, into your being, into your experience, moment by moment.

Embrace the wisdom behind this and the patience to realize it. Find fulfillment in ongoing evolutionary experience. All of this in good time. Namaste.
Dec. 26, 2022                                                  Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Awakening to your own True Nature

JANU: The substance of meaning for each journey into the unknown for each one has to do with the organization of the elements of being to begin the conditioning process of listening to and relating to new understandings, shedding light upon current perceptions of what is commonly understood. Much of the sense of well-being and predictability can be confining. A liberated consciousness can see these perceptions for what they are. Projecting consciousness into the Larger Life builds a conduit, a momentum, a sensitivity to life patterns that seem new and revelatory.

Awakening covers much ground for there is much to cover. At first it seems a single journey, alone. This is the illusion of the veil. The Larger Life is rich with others exploring. The True Nature lives in this way and is your teacher, of which you are a part. Putting your attention upon your own True Nature builds connection. Namaste.
Aug. 18, 2021 B       Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Understanding the nature of coexistence

JANU: Interdimensional reality functions by way of coexistence. Little understood by way of the incarnate experience. What does it mean to ‘coexist’? When all are connected and there is one Life, what is coexisting? The one Life has countless expressions within its reality. Even the so-called dimensions are expressions of life, the one Life. Exploring the meaning and reality of ”all is one” is little understood or owned by way of conscious understanding and experience. How can we all be one yet unique in so many ways? Understand that each one’s existence is a unique expression of the oneness, for the diversity of expressions is the collective of life. And Life evolves through these. And these expressions leave an impression in the body of Life, some might call a recording that can be read, known, and re-experienced.

To be continuously conscious of the evolution of all its expressions is beyond the scope of that portion of your total being that is conscious behind the veil, meaning conscious awareness is incomplete. Therefore, resolving some of the issues, the queries, is left unanswered seemingly and determined to be beyond understanding.

Awakening is returning to a more conscious state of being beyond incarnate parameters of consciousness. The conscious mind is impatient and perceptions of life are based upon one sojourn, unconscious of processes of life that are much longer, involve so much more, and interact with the Larger Life. You ask, “Why is this so? What purpose does it serve? Why does this condition of existence seem to be bypassed to varying degrees by a few?” These conditions of existence in the incarnate life are not permanent. They are fluid and in motion, for all of life is in motion including the veil experience.

Awakening brings consciousness more fully into this flow through desire, commitment, and peaceful pursuit respecting timing, process, and relative existence with the rest of life. Interdimensional reality explores this, which is the result of a commitment to awakening. Namaste.
Aug. 4, 2021                                                                                   Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Manifesting miracles

JANU: Peace resembles most closely life beyond the veil. Time/space is a reality as part of the Larger Life, to be explored, understood. You ask for conscious reunion. Time/space is part of this, not as an entity but as an attribute of the Larger Life.

Mastership means being at one with it. The challenges in the physical body are best seen as opportunities to merge, consciously, the physical experience with the Larger Life. Challenges of the moment seen more clearly from the larger perspective. The wisdom and the motivations for them are indicators, are feedback as to relationships. Choose to master these challenges. It is part of the reason for their existence. Let us accomplish this with one voice, so to speak. Manifesting so-called miracles is normal. Namaste.
Mar. 9, 2020 BP                                                        Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Decide with desire to be more awakened

JANU: Reaching into, then, the fullness of understanding, let us present the richness of that which seems to be an inordinate response to the quest for awakening. Life itself is the attracting force of the return to consciousness. So, allow your perspective to embrace this perspective, no longer just a part of life, a part of your being, but the nature of Life itself. Awakening is a strong force and it couldn’t be more natural or omnipresent. Decide to awaken more fully. It is your birthright, your heritage, the legacy of your Nature. Allow yourself to embrace and be the larger life you have always been. The veil sponsors limited identity and limitation.

This realization is not technique driven, only desire. Namaste.
Aug. 12, 2020 B                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Potential, awakening, and the future

JANU: Elements of reality bespeak of destiny that describes peaceful creativity, harmonious relationships, immeasurable diversity, realization of potential. And not just of humanity, you see, but Earth itself and all of its creatures. It is a package, and the True Nature is a part of this. And understand this, for destiny is not a mystery just to wonder of. It is the fabric of life on so many levels.

What we speak of here is awakening and all that that means. Becoming conscious of and then conscious as. Looking not just for miracles but becoming them, being them. For the potential of life is no less than this. The future and the potential are one. The potential is the future. So, the question is not just “What is the future?” but “What is the full reach of potential and how does that evolve?”

The source of your life is within and from there all is realized, for the within is the Larger Life. Namaste.
Aug. 10, 2020                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Reality and discernment

JANU: Reality is in the perception of the beholder. What is real and what isn’t for any individual or group? Perceptions of reality are based on so many elements of experience and impressions. And what inspires perceptions of reality to evolve into larger truths? Moments of inspiration, open-minded consideration of possibilities, a moment of Light shining briefly into the conscious mind by way of the True Nature, which also draws upon the Larger Life.

Perception of reality calls upon individual faculties of discernment, a knowingness from within. The reality one perceives outside of themselves is in their world of the five senses. They are part of that world and their reality is limited to it, as long as only the five senses are involved. Each individual has within them a larger Nature with access to larger realities, the nature of their existence. This does not diminish in any way the merit and practicality of the physical world, for it is coexisting with the Larger Life. The opportunity is to be conscious of more and more of what is. The relationships take on more depth, layers of meaning and expression. And one slowly experiences the reality of association with others.

Choosing, committing to the integrity of one’s own True Nature, as one proceeds to discover and embrace the Larger Life, brings focus to, integrity to the experiences to come. Namaste.
Dec. 31, 2019 B                                                     Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The larger reality of being

JANU: Portraying then the combined reality of being, growing in consciousness of who you are, links your consciousness to the reality of others, contributing to the path of compassion, mutual identification, and understanding. That question alone of ‘Who are you?’ is a doorway into the larger life. What does one base the discovery of this on but expanding one’s identity to include more, letting go of social conditioning from those who are unaware? One might say, “Look how complex the human identity is: thoughts and emotions, experiences, growing understanding.” This is true, our brother, but there is more.

These elements of identity are manifestations of a reality of being much larger. Thinking in terms of one lifetime limits the scope of your being. Identify with existence not limited by time and space or social conditioning, but includes all of that as well. What is the larger reality of your being? It can be known. Look to understand it, all the elements of life, from a deeper and larger perspective. Everything touches everything else. Every ripple in the pool touches every other. Life under the veil leaves only one perspective. Namaste.
May 11, 2018                                                                                                Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Identity, integrity, & the larger life

JANU:    Let it be said that the initiation of a more awakened consciousness is not just a private matter, you see. It includes the layers of life, the many realities that speak to the many connections that exist in oneness. The Family of Life is not just other beings. It is everything. The maturing of consciousness includes this as well.

It is not easy to let go of individual identity to the exclusion of the rest of life. The veil conditions this to the point where association with each other makes this seem more real than the larger life. Individual and collective consciousness converge and include each other as part of awakening. The ‘this or that’ mentality, perception, is a leftover from incarnate living and associations. ‘This and that and that and that’ is a larger reality.

Integrity is part of the larger life as well. All of life has integrity, whether collective or individual, and they co-exist. Being alone in life is only a perception. Opening to the larger life does not sacrifice integrity in any way. It just expands identity. Be at peace with this. Much more is yet to come in understanding and experience. Namaste.
May 4, 2018                                                                                   Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 14 contains prior attunements in this series.


What is the nature of Life?

JANU: The nature of Life is vaster than the human mind can grasp the totality of. Humans speak of existence but in a limited way, and of non-existence without understanding. What is Life, then, but everything and every no-thing?

Life is. Knowing a portion of it that applies to you is sufficient to nurture every interest, every endeavor, every evolving moment. So the question is less, “What is its nature?” and more to the point, “What expression of it are you part of and do you serve?” The life that you are understands this. Its nature is ‘to be,’ everything and beyond. Not in distance, our brother, but in potential. The collective of every reality is Life itself. Being grateful that there is life reveals more of it to you. The journey is the gift and that is the realization of the potential, the fulfillment of being.

Be at peace. Evolve. Be the life you are, and all that goes with that, you see, challenges, overcomings, revelations, and love in its infinite variety. Grow in understanding, in participation in the Family of Life, the Larger Life, in every singularity. Namaste.
Mar.15, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

Editor’s note: This is a good example of the spiral nature of life. This seemed a good “new” series, only to get this response, and realize we’d done a goodly number earlier. The reader may wish to check out the category “Nature of Life.”