Decide with desire to be more awakened

JANU: Reaching into, then, the fullness of understanding, let us present the richness of that which seems to be an inordinate response to the quest for awakening. Life itself is the attracting force of the return to consciousness. So, allow your perspective to embrace this perspective, no longer just a part of life, a part of your being, but the nature of Life itself. Awakening is a strong force and it couldn’t be more natural or omnipresent. Decide to awaken more fully. It is your birthright, your heritage, the legacy of your Nature. Allow yourself to embrace and be the larger life you have always been. The veil sponsors limited identity and limitation.

This realization is not technique driven, only desire. Namaste.
Aug. 12, 2020 B                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross