The larger reality of being

JANU: Portraying then the combined reality of being, growing in consciousness of who you are, links your consciousness to the reality of others, contributing to the path of compassion, mutual identification, and understanding. That question alone of ‘Who are you?’ is a doorway into the larger life. What does one base the discovery of this on but expanding one’s identity to include more, letting go of social conditioning from those who are unaware? One might say, “Look how complex the human identity is: thoughts and emotions, experiences, growing understanding.” This is true, our brother, but there is more.

These elements of identity are manifestations of a reality of being much larger. Thinking in terms of one lifetime limits the scope of your being. Identify with existence not limited by time and space or social conditioning, but includes all of that as well. What is the larger reality of your being? It can be known. Look to understand it, all the elements of life, from a deeper and larger perspective. Everything touches everything else. Every ripple in the pool touches every other. Life under the veil leaves only one perspective. Namaste.
May 11, 2018                                                                                                Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross