Merging of inner & outer life explored

JANU:       We are speaking of your new awareness of the reality of co-existence. Let us begin by saying that there needs be a point of reference to establish concurrence with the norms of life. Let that be, then, that which urges you to complete more fully the union of consciousness diametrically opposed to ignorance. To be conscious and aware of this reality, let there be then a negotiation between the inner and outer life allowing the truth of each to find common ground and experience. The co-existence reality previously unaware of is a transition in consciousness that waits for validation while remaining open to the possibility. Examples of this occur when ideas form, insights that pick up on the flow of life occurring in the daily routine, unbeckoned.

Allow new understandings of life to settle in, so to speak, find their footing, establish themselves in such a way that the understanding and the experience blossoms. They can be rejected by choice in the manner of previous ignorance, but their wisdom, their reasonableness holds sway. Negotiating life successfully is enhanced by these new awarenesses. Namaste.
June 27, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

Editor’s Note: Co-existence for our purposes goes beyond the idea of ‘existing side by side’ and the vague notion that we are all ‘one.’ We have explored the concept that the individuality identity, the human ego, is a small part of a much larger reality and hopefully come to experience and explore parts of this larger reality. Co-existence involves a conscious integration of all the elements of your consciousness. This expands your identity and connection consciously to fuller understanding of the concept of oneness.

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life contains prior attunements in this series.