Humanity is a variation on a theme

JANU: We are adapting then to a new lease on life, so to speak, belonging to the tradition of returning home and moving beyond. Let us see at this time that this transition in consciousness fulfills its potential with many explorations and discoveries along the way.

Human identity is a shadow of this larger reality, valid in its own right, but see it as a pattern with relationship to the Larger Life. For many, these journeys would seem nebulous and a bit vague, not realizing that through direct experience these realities have the integrity of the Earth human existence identity. Variations on a theme of life, our brother, are these identities.

Humanity is a variation on a theme of life, with many variations and expressions, but by no means explains everything that is real. Remember, all of life co-exists, meaning there is relationship, crossover patterns, and are knowable. The larger your consciousness of the Larger Life, the more you will encounter these co-existences and understand their relationship and mutual benefits.

The time of isolation, of individuality only, is passing. Life is one and diverse, simultaneously. Namaste.
Nov. 23, 2018 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross